Mittwoch, Januar 26, 2011

Clever Algorithms

Clever Algorithms: "The book 'Clever Algorithms: Nature-Inspired Programming Recipes' by Jason Brownlee PhD describes 45 algorithms from the the field of Artificial Intelligence. All algorithm descriptions are complete and consistent to ensure that they are accessible, usable and understandable by a wide audience."

Über den Schockwellenreiter gefunden..

Sonntag, Januar 23, 2011 "Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to create images, animations, and interactions. Initially developed to serve as a software sketchbook and to teach fundamentals of computer programming within a visual context, ..."

--> Merker an mich: Endlich mal testen!

Sonntag, Januar 09, 2011

Mayavi - 3D scientific data visualization and plotting:: Enthought, Inc.

"3D Scientific Data Visualization and Plotting

The Mayavi project includes two related packages for 3-dimensional visualization:

* Mayavi2: A tool for easy and interactive visualization of data, with seamless integration with Python scientific libraries.
* TVTK: A Traits-based wrapper for the Visualization Toolkit, a popular open-source visualization library."

PyCon US 2011

PyCon US 2011: "'m very pleased to announce, on behalf of the PyCon 2011 Program committee, and entire PyCon 2011 volunteer staff, that the full list of PyCon 2011 talks is now public, and available!"

Sonntag, Januar 02, 2011

GarlicSim - Pythonic framework for computer simulations

"GarlicSim is an ambitious open-source project in the field of scientific computing, specifically computer simulations. It attempts to redefine the way that people think about computer simulations, making a new standard for how simulations are created and used."

Datenvisualisierung (1): Formen, Varianten, Beispiele – eine Einführung – - Open Source | Content Management | Redaktion

"Ich bin ein großer Freund der kreativen Datenvisualisierung. Abseits von Balkendiagrammen und Kurvenlinien verbinden gelungene Datenvisualisierungen heute in den meisten Fällen die äesthetische Aufbereitung von Datensätzen bis hin zum künstlerischen Anspruch, in einigen Fällen kommen sogar noch weitere Komponenten – insbesondere die Interaktivität – mit hinzu."

Data visualization with Processing, Part 1: An introduction to the language and environment

"Data visualization with Processing, Part 1: An introduction to the language and environment"

Samstag, Januar 01, 2011

Programming Languages - Google Code University - Google Code

Programming Languages - Google Code University - Google Code: "This page contains classes, lectures, and tutorials about various computer programming languages. The technology lectures and classes provide a great way to pick up some new knowledge about your programming language of choice."

Darunter natürlich auch Python