Mittwoch, Oktober 31, 2007

heise online - Ein Laptop für nahezu jedes Kind in Uruguay

heise online - Ein Laptop für nahezu jedes Kind in Uruguay: "In Uruguay laufen die Vorbereitungen für die Auslieferung des OLPC-Laptops auf vollen Touren. Nach einem Bericht der uruguayischen Tageszeitung El Pais soll der Laptop-Fertiger Quanta am 12. November mit der Serienproduktion der Geräte beginnen. Die erste Tranche von 5.000 Laptops erwartet das für die Auslieferung und Installation zuständige LATU (Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay) noch im Dezember, obwohl die Verträge noch nicht unterzeichnet sind. Insgesamt kauft Uruguay 100.000 OX-Laptops zum Preis von 199 US-Dollar mit der Option auf Tranchen von jeweils 50.000 weiteren Maschinen."

I blog therefore I am (by Carlos de la Guardia) | Plone is a popular CMS choice for US universities

I blog therefore I am (by Carlos de la Guardia) | Plone is a popular CMS choice for US universities: "I recently wrote about Leicester University selecting Plone as their CMS over Sharepoint. It turns out that Plone is also popular in universities on this side of the ocean. CMSWire has a summary of the results of a survey made by UC Davis, in California, about CMS use at 129 american universities. Plone is the top choice, with 13 implementations. Drupal is close as always, with 10, and Joomla has 8. There are also 8 implementations that use Zope, so we could say that there are 21 Zope based solutions in all. Not too shabby!"

Sonntag, Oktober 28, 2007

Well-kept secrets of Zope

Well-kept secrets of Zope: "Zope 3 has powerful features, and now also has an easy entry point. If you want an easy way to learn about the future of web development in the Python world, please try it out in the form of Grok, which promises to make Zope 3 safe for the cave man or woman in all of us."

--> habe ich immer noch nicht getestet.. Ob das noch mal was wird? ;-)

Donnerstag, Oktober 18, 2007

Python Programming on Win32: Chapter 12 Advanced Python and COM

Python Programming on Win32: Chapter 12 Advanced Python and COM: "Python Programming on Win32 Help for Windows Programmers By Mark Hammond & Andy Robinson 1st Edition January 2000 1-56592-621-8, Order Number: 6218"

--> muss mich immer wieder mit irgendwelchen Unwägbarkeiten unter Windows herumschlagen... also evtl. besorgen? Kommt wohl auf die Wunschliste für Weihnachten... ;-)

Mittwoch, Oktober 17, 2007

Resolver Hacks

Resolver Hacks: "Welcome to Resolver Hacks, a site which explores various ways to get the best out of Resolver. Resolver is the creation of Resolver Systems. It is a Rapid Application Development tool, for analysing and presenting business data using a familiar 'spreadsheet interface'. The power and flexibility of Resolver comes from the fact that it is fully programmable with Python code."

iX - Noch dünner als Thin: Zero Client

iX - Noch dünner als Thin: Zero Client: "Während typische Thin Clients noch ein eigenes, kompaktes Minimalbetriebssystem typischerweise aus einem Flash-Speicher laden, um mit ihrem Terminal-Server kommunizieren zu können, sollen Zero Clients praktisch nur noch wie ein Keyboard-/Video-/Mouse-(KVM-)Adapter am Netzwerk arbeiten. Deshalb sollen Leistungsaufnahme, Ausfallswahrscheinlichkeit und Administrationsaufwand von Zero Clients nochmals niedriger liegen als bei 'klassischen' Thin Clients, gleichzeitig können sie aber mit mehr Betriebssystemen kooperieren, sofern auf dem zugehörigen Server die passende (Virtualisierungs-)Software läuft."

Freitag, Oktober 05, 2007

Laptop With a Mission Widens Its Audience - New York Times

Laptop With a Mission Widens Its Audience - New York Times: "In November, you’ll be able to buy a new laptop that’s spillproof, rainproof, dustproof and drop-proof. It’s fanless, it’s silent and it weighs 3.2 pounds. One battery charge will power six hours of heavy activity, or 24 hours of reading. The laptop has a built-in video camera, microphone, memory-card slot, graphics tablet, game-pad controllers and a screen that rotates into a tablet configuration."

Donnerstag, Oktober 04, 2007


Pythonology: "This web site is dedicated to helping software developers and managers evaluate and adopt the Python programming language, and the many tools and support libraries that are associated with it."

ActiveState O'Reilly Python cookbook code samples ratings review

ActiveState O'Reilly Python cookbook code samples ratings review: "Welcome to the Python Cookbook, a collaborative collection of your contributions to Python lore. Python Cookbook code is freely available for use and review. We encourage you to contribute recipes (code and discussion), comments and ratings."

The Tao of Mac - The Python Grimoire

The Tao of Mac - The Python Grimoire: "The core of the Grimoire was originally developed and released by Andrew M. Kuchling in May, 1999. However, it never reached a stage where Andrew felt that it was ready for publication, and eventually he withdrew it. Steve Ferg, however, had found the Grimoire very helpful as he was learning Python, and he persuaded Andrew to allow him to take over maintenance of the document in August, 2002."

Pythonmania: Startseite

Pythonmania vom Schockwellenreiter

439 manually selected sites about Python Programming Language

439 manually selected sites about Python Programming Language: "Python Programming Language CBEL >> 439 Python Programming Language Computer technology sites, last updated on 28 August 2007"

Dienstag, Oktober 02, 2007 - Schlaue Diät - Schlaue Diät: "Wer fettarm und kohlenhydratreich isst, kann Informationen besser verarbeiten, vermuten Forscher"

--> diese Aussage kommt mir ja entgegen... Aber wie ist den jetzt der Vergleich zu denen, die Ausgewogen Essen? ;-)

Pandoc (aus Docutils-users Digest, Vol 17, Issue 1 Reader (138) )

1."html2x can convert most web pages to markdown, reST, DocBook, LaTeX, ConTeXt, RTF, or groff man. Bookmarklets are provided.

2. Try Pandoc! ( allows you to experiment with pandoc without going to the trouble of installing it on your system. Using pandoc, you can convert reST documents to markdown, DocBook, LaTeX, ConTeXt, RTF, HTML, S5, and groff man. You can also convert markdown, LaTeX, and HTML to reST, and you can prettyprint reST by converting reST to reST. Note that only a subset of reST syntax is currently supported:"

Montag, Oktober 01, 2007

Memory Dump » Blog Archive » Zope3 for Djangoers. Part 1: Installation

Memory Dump » Blog Archive » Zope3 for Djangoers. Part 1: Installation: "I’ll try to write a series of posts to give the Zope3 newbie a little bit of knowledge so he/she doesn’t get lost in the Zope3 forrest. And more important, I’ll write them from a Djangoer perspective so you can always compare both frameworks."