Donnerstag, Mai 14, 2009

OpenGoo: An Open Source Web Office

"OpenGoo is an easy to use Open Source Web Office.

It is a complete online solution focused on improving productivity, collaboration, communication and management of your teams.

OpenGoo is now developed and serviced by Feng Office which introduces a professional service platform to satisfy community needs such as:"

--> Testen... (?)

Montag, Mai 11, 2009

Welcome to Pyke

Welcome to Pyke: "Pyke introduces a form of Logic Programming (inspired by Prolog) to the Python community by providing a knowledge-based inference engine (expert system) written in 100% Python."

Montag, Mai 04, 2009


EuroSciPy: "The first EuroSciPy last year was a success. 44 people from all over Europe and a few from the USA attended. The presentations were really interesting and everybody had a lot of ideas to exchange with others. For more details on last year's conference have a look at the EuroSciPy 2008 page.

This year's conference will be on July 25th and 26th again in Leipzig, Germany at the same venue as last year."

Sonntag, Mai 03, 2009

Python 3D Software

Python 3D Software: "small collection (84 packages) of pointers to Python software for working in three dimensions"

Hatte ich den Link schon gehabt? Na ja, falls ja, schadet ja nicht.