Samstag, März 29, 2008

Mike Coyle’s Weblog » Blog Archive » My PM Network Interview, or Tales from the Cutting Room Floor

Mike Coyle’s Weblog » Blog Archive » My PM Network Interview, or Tales from the Cutting Room Floor: "8) What ways can small teams work most effectively to accomplish big tasks?

There are four aspects that drive small-team effectiveness: Planning, Process, Automation, and Asset Management.

* Planning: Small teams need to focus their efforts on understanding how the key moving parts of their project fit together so that they can proactively categorize and manage delivery risk. This is far more important than trying to optimize the workload balancing in your project plan, since you’re not trying to distribute lots of work among interchangeable resources on a large team.
* Process: Small teams should maintain strict adherence to a lightweight process. Individual heroics are not scalable nor predictable over time. Even small teams need to play by the book, but they need to make sure that it’s the right book for them.
* Automation: Small teams need to maximize the amount of work that they don’t do, and focus their efforts on the important stuff. If work cannot be avoided, it should be automated. Computers are really good at doing predictable stuff really fast.
* Asset Management: Small teams should manage their important data using some sort of version control mechanism. A good version control syste"

Freitag, März 28, 2008

New Cleo Version

Cleo documentation: "cleo is a Leo plugin which adds arbitrary colouring of nodes, to-do priority markers, and time-required / progress display. Leo is a python based cross-platform outliner / literate programing tool / general data management environment."

--> Current cleo (0.25)"

Overview — Sphinx Documentation

Overview — Sphinx Documentation: "Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation for Python projects, written by Georg Brandl and licensed under the BSD license.

It was originally created to translate the new Python documentation, but has now been cleaned up in the hope that it will be useful to many other projects. (Of course, this site is also created from reStructuredText sources using Sphinx!)"

Mittwoch, März 26, 2008

SAGE: Open Source Mathematics Software

SAGE: Open Source Mathematics Software: "General and Advanced Pure and Applied Mathematics
Use SAGE for studying a huge range of mathematics, including algebra, calculus, elementary to very advanced number theory, cryptography, numerical computation, commutative algebra, group theory, combinatorics, graph theory, and exact linear algebra.
Use an Open Source Alternative
By using SAGE you help to support a viable open source alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica, and MATLAB. SAGE includes many high-quality open source math packages."

Freitag, März 21, 2008

Pyxer - Python statt (durch) JavaScript

[Der Schockwellenreiter: Weblog-Archiv 07.03.2008]: "Pyxer (GPL) ist ein Python-AJAX-Server und -Framework, ähnlich dem Jaxter-Projekt von Aptana (hier nur mit Java). Es erlaubt, Client- wie auch Server-seitig den Einsatz von Python-Scripten. Diese werden dann vom Server nach JavaScript übersetzt. Das AJAX-Framework läuft transparent im Hintergrund. Sollte ich mal testen. [Peter van I. per Email.]" - Silva Math Released - Silva Math Released: "Silva Math is an extension product for the Silva CMS to enhance documents with mathematical formulas. Mathematical expressions are edited and stored in TeX format and rendered as PNG images. The formulas are embedded into Silva Documents as Code Sources."

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