Sonntag, Dezember 26, 2010

Improving your programming style with Python

Improving your programming style with Python: "This page is work in progress, but I would really like it to be one day an introduction to software design accessible for the non-programmer."

Sonntag, November 14, 2010


Pyspread: "Pyspread is a cross-platform Python spreadsheet application. It is based on and written in the programming language Python.

Instead of spreadsheet formulas, Python expressions are entered into the spreadsheet cells. Each expression returns a Python object that can be accessed from other cells. These objects can represent anything including lists or matrices."

Montag, November 01, 2010

Pumpichank: import this and The Zen of Python

Pumpichank: import this and The Zen of Python: "[...] the history of the Zen of Python [...]"

"Zen of Python" vs. "Lean-Ansatz/Ganzheitliche Produktionssysteme"
Da der Betrachtungsgegenstand immer ein komplexes System ist findet man sehr viele Gemeinsamkeiten!

Samstag, Oktober 30, 2010

welcome to D-Shape

welcome to D-Shape: "This new machinery enables full-size sandstone buildings to be made without human intervention, using a stereolithography 3-D printing process that requires only sand and our special inorganic binder to operate. "

Gibt es da schon Beispiel von fertigen, stehenden Bauten?

Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software

Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software: "Gephi is an interactive visualization and exploration platform for all kinds of networks and complex systems, dynamic and hierarchical graphs.

Runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Gephi is open-source and free."

Gefunden, vor langer Zeit, beim Schockwellenreiter

Mittwoch, September 08, 2010

Overview — NetworkX v1.3 documentation

Overview — NetworkX v1.3 documentation: "NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks."

--> Testen!

Overview — NetworkX v1.3 documentation

Overview — NetworkX v1.3 documentation: "NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks."

--> Testen!

Samstag, Juni 12, 2010

Learning Python, Linux, Java, Ruby and more with Videos, Tutorials and Screencasts

Learning Python, Linux, Java, Ruby and more with Videos, Tutorials and Screencasts

"Welcome to Showmedo's new learning-paths, our attempt to add some much needed structure to our growing collection of content and make learning with us a much more fluid experience."

Hatte ich das schon? Falls doch umso besser, denn das ist eine sehr gute Idee... Was genau? Einfach mal reinschauen.

Sonntag, Mai 16, 2010

Why I Switched to Git From Mercurial — Extra Cheese

Why I Switched to Git From Mercurial — Extra Cheese

I used Mercurial for three years, but started switching to Git about a year ago. I now grudgingly recommend Git to anyone who intends to be a full-time programmer. Git's interface is bad in many ways, which is the main complaint about it, and it's a legitimate one. It's just an interface, though, and this is a tool you're going to use all day, every day, in a wide variety of situations.

Hg Init: a Mercurial tutorial by Joel Spolsky

Hg Init: a Mercurial tutorial by Joel Spolsky

Hg Init: a Mercurial tutorial
Mercurial is a modern, open source, distributed version control system, and a compelling upgrade from older systems like Subversion. In this user-friendly, six-part tutorial, Joel Spolsky teaches you the key concepts.

Things You Should Never Do, Part I - Joel on Software

Well, yes. They did. They did it by making the single worst strategic mistake that any software company can make:

They decided to rewrite the code from scratch.

Samstag, April 03, 2010

Let's Discuss the Matter Further » Sphinx + Mercurial = My favorite CMS

Let's Discuss the Matter Further » Sphinx + Mercurial = My favorite CMS: "Though I write and maintain some of the content for our Python Atlanta web site, updates and additional content often come in from other users. For example, our Plone interest group — headed up by Christopher Johnson — has their own page on our web site. And the information about our book club is both written and regularly updated by Doug Hellmann."

Sonntag, März 28, 2010

PyCon 2010 Slides and Notes -video tutorials for pycon2010, python, pycon, pyconpads, rss, pycon10, googlereader

PyCon 2010 Slides and Notes -video tutorials for pycon2010, python, pycon, pyconpads, rss, pycon10, googlereader: "Even if you could not attend PyCon 2010 in Atlanta, you can still find useful slides and notes (even LIVE! notes if you are quick) from the conference. These two short videos show you how."

EuroPython 2010: The European Python Conference

EuroPython 2010: The European Python Conference: "EuroPython is a conference about the Python programming language. It is aimed at everyone in the Python community, of all skill levels, both users and programmers.

This year EuroPython will held from the 19th to 22nd of July in Birmingham,UK"

Samstag, März 13, 2010