Sonntag, März 22, 2009


HackingLab: "Pinguino is an Arduino-like board based on a PIC Microcontroller. The goal of this project is to build an integrated IDE easy to use on LINUX, WINDOWS and MAC OS X. Arduino is a powerful tool with some defaults. One of its inconveniences are a no native USB interface on the chip and its code length.

The IDE of Pinguino is built with Python. An integrated preprocessor translates specific Arduino instructions directly into C. This preprocessor reduces the code length and the execution speed. Pinguino hardware is based on a 18F2550. This chip has an integrated native USB module and an UART for serial link."

Gefunden über den Schockwellenreiter...

Overview — Sphinx v0.5.2b1 documentation

Overview — Sphinx v0.5.2b1 documentation: "Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation, written by Georg Brandl and licensed under the BSD license.

It was originally created to translate the new Python documentation, and it has excellent support for the documentation of Python projects, but other documents can be written with it too. Of course, this site is also created from reStructuredText sources using Sphinx!"

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