Donnerstag, August 23, 2007

braunval.allgemein: Building a (fast) Wikipedia offline reader... in two days (!)

braunval.allgemein: Building a (fast) Wikipedia offline reader... in two days (!)

--> natürlich mit Python! ;-)

Metrics — Sean Kelly

Metrics — Sean Kelly: "I myself follow the Personal Software Process (PSP), a system developed at Carnegie-Mellon, to gather such data and track it over time. As a result I can usually estimate the time/cost/defects of my future projects with good accuracy; after all, we are creatures of habit, and it takes quite a bit of change to effect change in the quality of our products. (As an aside, my productivity from C++ to Java tripled; from Java to Python tripled again!) Yet if you lack such data, then making these guesses will be quite challenging.

Still, there's no time like today to start gathering metrics. Try building some smaller software systems, then look at the time it took you, and the size of the programs in lines of code (lines of code, or LOC, is a terrible metric for program complexity, but no one's yet come up with a better one, and as Gibbs once said, 'Everything can be measured in some way that is better than not measuring it at all.'). For your ultimate project, look at aspects of smaller projects that are similar to what you want to accomplish."

Montag, August 20, 2007

Workshop - Python im deutschsprachigen Raum

Workshop - Python im deutschsprachigen Raum: "Der Workshop 'Python im deutschsprachigen Raum' im letzten Jahr war erfolgreich. Deshalb wird es 2007 einen zweiten Workshop geben. Den Workshop veranstalten die Python Academy, und die Universität Leipzig, (Institut für Informatik, Abteilung Automatische Sprachverarbeitung)."

--> Hingehen? Wird wohl leider nichts werden.. ;-(

Mittwoch, August 08, 2007

PyWeek Game Progamming Challenge Rules

PyWeek Game Progamming Challenge Rules: "The PyWeek challenge:

1. Must be challenging and fun,
2. Entries must be developed during the challenge, and must incorporate some theme decided at the start of the challenge,
3. Will hopefully increase the public body of python game tools, code and expertise,
4. Will let a lot of people actually finish a game, and
5. May inspire new projects (with ready made teams!)"

Dienstag, August 07, 2007

Audio/Video Resources for Python

Audio/Video Resources for Python: "There is a growing body of podcasts, screencasts and video presentations for the Python community and here we have collected some of the best and provide a roadmap to the rest. And as we would like to encourage more materials, we also provide some pointers to how you can get started sharing your knowledge as well."

--> sehen ist manchmal besser... ;-)